Category Archives: Personal Transformation

It all starts with you. It’s true. Your experience of life and culture is filtered through your own personal perspective. And YOU are the only thing you have any real influence over. That means…if you want to see change, growth, healing, justice and transformation happen in the world you have to create it in your own life, body, mind and soul. You have to BE the change you wish to see in the world. Posts in this category will invite us to honor and heal the self by reclaiming personal responsibility, activating our personal power and lovingly caring for our bodies and minds.

2013…Time to get clear about what YOU want in life

I came out of 2012 feeling a little beaten and battered. I’m blessed with a very full life and sometimes that gets overwhelming for me. Trying to keep up with all of the demands of the day as a business owner, coach, mama, partner and community member had run me ragged. I was feeling lost Continue Reading →

The Solution to your Resolution

It’s that time of year again… …Those twinkling lights that set otherwise ordinary lawns aglow slowly diminish, there are trash bags full of crumpled wrapping paper on the curb, you can scan through your radio stations without hearing about your Grandma getting run over by a reindeer (who ever came up with that song, anyway?), Continue Reading →

Detox Your Mind

Toxins that effect your health come in many forms…from the chemicals in the modern food supply and conventional household products to the toxic thoughts that run around in our heads. Thoughts related to stress, fear, blame, shame and judgment are as toxic as Red #40 and High Fructose Corn Syrup. These thoughts activate the fight Continue Reading →

Let Gratitude Infect Your Soul

It’s the big Thanksgiving meal and everyone is gathered around the spread of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy just like every other year. And it’s time to GIVE THANKS. That’s what it’s all about, right? But just like everything else of importance the gratitude tends to get lost in the hustle and bustle. Between the Continue Reading →

Intuitive Eating for Thanksgiving

Here we are again…the BiG holiday season…the season of parties and family gatherings with plentiful platters of fancy food and drink. It’s all too easy to get swept up in the holiday bustle and the tradition of indulgence at this time of year. Excessive sugar, alcohol and overeating weighs down your body and contributes to depression, Continue Reading →

Living Your Knowledge

Let me guess…you already know what to eat and how to take care of yourself for optimal health. You’ve read thebooks and listened to the lectures…it all makes sense. You know what you’re “supposed” to do to be healthy but you just can’t seem to stick with it on a daily basis.  Knowing what to Continue Reading →

Can Chemicals Make us Fat?

I took a class* last week that confirmed with academic brilliance a simple but essential understanding that is actually the basis of the Whole Body Detox Diet approach. This simple truth is that chemicals are making modern people fat (and sick)…not calories!  We are not just being overfed…we are literally being poisoned. Certain chemicals that Continue Reading →

Soak up the Summer

This weekend my daughter and I headed out for a Summer adventure with two of our best friends…because it’s Summer!!! I mean, really, life is so beautiful and precious and amazing and our girls are growing up so fast…and right now, in the midst of Summer, is the time…to escape onto windy mountain roads…revel in Continue Reading →

Re-Parenting Ourselves…

During this time of global transition and societal transformation we’re having to do a lot of “re” work…relearning, redirecting…re-membering and re-collecting all the scattered pieces of our whole selves. And along the way most of us have to do some significant re-parenting, as well. Many of us emerged from childhood without the confidence, clarity and Continue Reading →

Loving the Questions

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point Continue Reading →