Become a Living Ancestor


We have been born into a unique moment in the history of the Earth. It is a precious and precarious time of crisis and opportunity.

The pressures and poisons of the Industrial Growth Society may blind us to the sheer ongoingness of time and the vital strength of life on Earth. But together we can see…

We are the results of the love, survival and resilience of thousands of ancestors. We are also the ancestors of the ones yet to be.

Let us embody Deep Time together.

This 4 hour workshop offers Deep Time practices developed by Joanna Macy to invite loving guidance from our ancestors and to nourish the future generations with our daily choices.

Join us in an inspiring, interactive and enlivening exploration of Deep Time to discover our place within the lineage of life and become powerfully loving living ancestors.

“The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization. “

– Joanna Macy


There are currently no upcoming dates for this program.

If you are interested in experiencing this workshop or have a group of 8-12 people who would like to initiate a new offering of it please email me at