Category Archives: Speak the Spark

Thought, reflections and assignments related to the year-long program, Speak the Spark: Sacred Storytelling for a New Paradigm, facilitated by Leah Lamb

The Shape of a Life

Early in the Speak the Spark program Leah asked us to get a long piece of paper and map out the story of our personal lives without using any words. A life story told entirely through symbols and images. I … Continue reading

Posted in Personal Transformation, Poetry and Art, Speak the Spark, Studies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Multi-Myth with Michael Meade

In our October session of Speak the Spark we had the incredible pleasure of listening to Michael Meade, author of the recently released book, Awakening the Soul (among many others). What an amazingly warm, authentic, deeply rooted human being!!! I was … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Speak the Spark, Studies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Living into a New Story with Charles Eisenstein

When I saw the lineup of guest teachers for the Speak the Spark course I was immediately in. Ten of the most brilliant thinkers and radical, change-making storytellers of our times were scheduled to walk us through this journey of … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Speak the Spark, Studies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Dianic Creation Story

Let us begin at the beginning… Before the Speak the Spark course even really begun we received our first assignment. To find a creation story that spoke to our hearts and to share it with the group. Creation stories are … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Speak the Spark, Spiritual Connection, Studies, Videos | Leave a comment