Cultural transformation begins with the way we raise our children. Every single moment of their young lives plants the seeds of our collective future. The impressions they develop during their childhoods about the world and who they are within it will inform who they become as adults. These impressions create the parameters of what they think is possible and how they choose to show up in the world. As L.R. Knost says, through our parenting we are actually writing the future, “on the hearts and minds of our children.”
“In a very real way we are writing our own future, the future of our world, on the hearts and minds of our children. Let’s think deeply, love selflessly, and act intentionally to write messages of peace and goodness and generosity of spirit on the hearts and minds of our children, our messengers, our hope for a better tomorrow.”
— L.R. Knost, Whispers Through Time
In my work to support radical cultural transformation as a catalyst for planetary healing I have combined over 20 years of experience working with countless children in a variety of settings, my own experience as a mother and my passion for facilitating the Work That Reconnects in these offerings:
New Paradigm Parenting Spiral In this introductory session we will come together as parents to connect with each other and bring our attention to the blessings and challenges that come with parenting in these tumultuous times. If you are considering participating in the extended Parenting in Tumultuous Times program, this introductory session is a great way to get a feel for New Paradigm Parenting and Jo’s facilitation. (1 online session; 2 hours)
Parenting in Tumultuous Times: an online Work That Reconnects program for parents During this program we will come together to dive deeply into the joys and challenges of parenting in these tumultuous times and emerge with strategies and inspiration for meeting this unprecedented moment with empowerment and joy. (8 online sessions over 8 weeks)
Caring for Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: a Work That Reconnects workshop for Parents/Caretakers/Teachers Using Work That Reconnects practices we will gather with other parents, teachers and caretakers to deeply feel, process and reflect upon the outrageous endeavor of raising children in this time of environmental and social collapse. (2-4 hours)
Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Tumultuous Times a new book written by Jo delAmor. Available Now!