Category Archives: Personal Transformation

It all starts with you. It’s true. Your experience of life and culture is filtered through your own personal perspective. And YOU are the only thing you have any real influence over. That means…if you want to see change, growth, healing, justice and transformation happen in the world you have to create it in your own life, body, mind and soul. You have to BE the change you wish to see in the world. Posts in this category will invite us to honor and heal the self by reclaiming personal responsibility, activating our personal power and lovingly caring for our bodies and minds.

Making Time for our Bodies

The other day while I was having a conversation with a dear friend she expressed some frustration about how her new self-care routine is quite time consuming. She just came through a year-long health crisis that has left her in need of restoration and rebuilding. She recently found an adept herbalist and was given a Continue Reading →

The Shape of a Life

Early in the Speak the Spark program Leah asked us to get a long piece of paper and map out the story of our personal lives without using any words. A life story told entirely through symbols and images. I loved this assignment! It was the perfect excuse to create with imagery again after an Continue Reading →

Back to School…Divinity Calling

My quest to find a path of authentic service that supports the personal and cultural transformation that I feel is necessary for the healing of our world has lead me away from business…and towards the ministry. And therefore, back to school. I shifted out of coaching as my full time focus in 2014 so I Continue Reading →

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Let’s take a moment to think about the weapons of mass distraction that are plaguing our airwaves these days and the effect that they are having in our lives… The most important principle I teach in the Activate Your Personal Power program is that Power Follows Attention. This means that whatever you’re paying attention to has your Continue Reading →

Poem for Change

Right in the middle of the undoing and redoing of my personal/professional transformation, my sister, Cristina Cabeza-Kinney, hosted a radical, beautiful, deeply moving poetry event in synch and synergy with the many 100 Thousand Poets for Change events happening around the world. She asked me to share a poem…for change…for the now. I ventured out Continue Reading →

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 2: Freedom Time

I’ve never tolerated confinement very well…playing by someone else’s rules or being stuck in limiting situations has never worked out well for me. My wild spirit inevitably rebels and casts off the chains that have bound me. I’m here in this lifetime to transform. To get REAL. To grow and stretch and explore and discover Continue Reading →

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 1: Breakdown to Breakthrough

One fine day in August I hit the wall…again. Chained to my computer while the days of Summer were in their full bloom I was pushing and straining and trying to get up and over that wall of “making it” as a holistic entrepreneur, as I had been for almost 8 years. A potential client Continue Reading →

Feral Gardening

My garden went feral…and it took me with it. Last year I planted what might have been a glorious garden, full of delicious potential. But then I wound up heading out on a road trip and being away for 6 whole weeks! I set the garden up to be watered once a day on a Continue Reading →


Paring down, weeding out, sifting through, releasing, letting go, letting go, clearing the path of all the rubble of distraction so we can remember our centers…the simple truth of who we are and why we’re here.  It’s amazing how the stuff piles up…just from living daily life year after year in one house. Clothes and Continue Reading →

Healing Transformation

Our grandmothers were sisters…and inseparable. They were always together…talking, laughing, bickering and cooking. Italian matriarchs of a large and fruitful family. We were their granddaughters…me and my big sisters…Lisa and her little sisters…a gaggle of girls watching, giggling, learning, playing, listening and eating the love-infused food they made for us. Twenty years have passed since Continue Reading →

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