Category Archives: Cultural Transformation

Culture is something we take for granted…it’s the water we swim in…the paradigm of reality that we can hardly even see because it’s all we know. It’s what we’re born into…the reality that gets passed down from generation to generation. Normally, our survival and wellbeing would depend on following suit with the culture that we’re born into. But these are not normal times…we’ve been born into a culture that is curating its own destruction while it devastates every other culture, species and ecosystem on the planet…and we know we can’t just follow suit. Posts in this category will help us explore and understand our own culture and how we can transform it from the inside out.

Respecting Our Children

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor Beyond loving connection, my parenting and teaching style boils down to paying attention … Continue reading

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Parenting As Activism

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor In this book we engage parenting as a form of activism. Or, more … Continue reading

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Partnering with Your Children for a Bright Future

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor The most powerful thing we can do for our children in these uncertain … Continue reading

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Nurturing New Paradigm Qualities in our Children

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor “In a very real way we are writing our own future, the future … Continue reading

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Reflections on ‘Business As Usual’…for parents

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor Joanna Macy, wise eldress, scholar and root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, … Continue reading

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Raising Children for an Uncertain Future

“You cannot raise your children as your parents raised you, because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists.”  Gretchen Schmelzer The world is changing rapidly. We are living in uncertain times. To some extent the times … Continue reading

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The Multi-Myth with Michael Meade

In our October session of Speak the Spark we had the incredible pleasure of listening to Michael Meade, author of the recently released book, Awakening the Soul (among many others). What an amazingly warm, authentic, deeply rooted human being!!! I was … Continue reading

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Living into a New Story with Charles Eisenstein

When I saw the lineup of guest teachers for the Speak the Spark course I was immediately in. Ten of the most brilliant thinkers and radical, change-making storytellers of our times were scheduled to walk us through this journey of … Continue reading

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Dianic Creation Story

Let us begin at the beginning… Before the Speak the Spark course even really begun we received our first assignment. To find a creation story that spoke to our hearts and to share it with the group. Creation stories are … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Speak the Spark, Spiritual Connection, Studies, Videos | Leave a comment

Back to School…Divinity Calling

My quest to find a path of authentic service that supports the personal and cultural transformation that I feel is necessary for the healing of our world has lead me away from business…and towards the ministry. And therefore, back to … Continue reading

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