Angelina’s Dramatic Procedure: an act of proactive prevention or misguided intervention?

Hollywood superstar, Angelina Jolie, recently went public with the news that she underwent a voluntary double mastectomy with the intention of preventing breast cancer. “My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each Continue Reading →

Those last 10 pounds…

Did you know that toxic chemicals lurking in your body literally block your ability to lose weight? Whether you’re 50 pounds overweight or just struggling with those last 5-10 pounds, chances are it has more to do with these pesky chemicals than it does with your willpower or which diet plan you’re using. If you’re trying to Continue Reading →

Mother River

Mother River, mastery of ripple and sound and light, casting moving patterns along the stony ground   Thank you…   For your endless generosity of flow dancing wildly over the rocks and sinking low and slow in the wide open spaces   For carrying the song and cradling the curling leaves  as they journey onward, Continue Reading →

Rest and Relaxation: Essential Ingredients for Detox

While on my way to Florida earlier this month I realized that there’s nothing like airport security to give you a nice (and humorous) close up view on our hectic modern lives. Quick! Everybody take off your shoes and belts and jackets… empty your pockets and get your ziploc bag full of miniature bottles of Continue Reading →

Imbolc…the quickening

LIFE is stirring, churning, breaking the seals on reality as I have known it…on the fears and insecurities that have bound and tied me all these years. LIFE is rocking my boat…shaking me loose from this story that I have a say…that I get to direct and control its unfolding. It is simply unfolding, wild Continue Reading →

Don’t Let Environmental Toxins Get You Down

 “People now living on this planet assimilate more hazardous toxins in a single day than they did in an entire lifetime only a few hundred years ago.” – Daniel Reid The Tao of Detox More than 70,000 brand new chemicals (that never existed on Earth before) have been created and released into the environment since Continue Reading →

2013…Time to get clear about what YOU want in life

I came out of 2012 feeling a little beaten and battered. I’m blessed with a very full life and sometimes that gets overwhelming for me. Trying to keep up with all of the demands of the day as a business owner, coach, mama, partner and community member had run me ragged. I was feeling lost Continue Reading →

The Solution to your Resolution

It’s that time of year again… …Those twinkling lights that set otherwise ordinary lawns aglow slowly diminish, there are trash bags full of crumpled wrapping paper on the curb, you can scan through your radio stations without hearing about your Grandma getting run over by a reindeer (who ever came up with that song, anyway?), Continue Reading →

Give HEALTH for the Holidays

Every year the holidays come in a flurry busy-ness and leave behind a wake of clutter. It’s all too easy to get swept up in it. We spend these precious weeks of early winter scouring the catalogs and racing through the malls trying to find better and better presents to wrap up and give to Continue Reading →

Detox Your Mind

Toxins that effect your health come in many forms…from the chemicals in the modern food supply and conventional household products to the toxic thoughts that run around in our heads. Thoughts related to stress, fear, blame, shame and judgment are as toxic as Red #40 and High Fructose Corn Syrup. These thoughts activate the fight Continue Reading →