Category Archives: Spiritual Connection

Awakening to the spiritual value and lifeforce inherent in all of existence is a necessary part of transforming our culture into one that can sustain life. As we invite Spirit back into our awareness we begin to understand our lives in the context of a much greater unfolding. This relation to Spirit transcends the boundaries of any specific religious practice and embraces them all within the diverse fabric of our collective human history. Spiritual awareness and connection has, in fact, been the foundation of all human cultures besides the secularized industrial growth culture we now live in. Posts in this category will invite us to explore our relation to Spirit in unconventional and authentic ways, trusting our own unique and inherent relationship with the lifeforce that moves through existence.

Do not let us be seduced…

 This morning, as I settled in at my altar, this stanza jumped out at me from a prayer* I have hanging near by… “Do not let us be seduced by that Which would divert us from our true purpose, But illuminate the opportunities Of the present moment.”   In these words lies the source of Continue Reading →

Living Your Knowledge

Let me guess…you already know what to eat and how to take care of yourself for optimal health. You’ve read thebooks and listened to the lectures…it all makes sense. You know what you’re “supposed” to do to be healthy but you just can’t seem to stick with it on a daily basis.  Knowing what to Continue Reading →

Loving the Questions

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point Continue Reading →

Best Day Ever

I just had another one of those “best day ever” kind of days. I feel so incredibly blessed that these kind of days have become more of a regular occurrence in the past several years and that lately there are more of them then not. There are still some “ho-hum” days and some fairly difficult Continue Reading →

Praise be to LIFE!

Praise be to LIFE… Humming teeming squirming tenacious LIFE Praise be to Her courage And unwavering devotion to growth. Praise be to the urge that Arises in each tender seed And in each of our hearts.   Blessed LIFE, You tear apart every containment, Breaking through the concrete And reclaiming your rightful dominion. You rip Continue Reading →

The Difference Between Truth and ‘the Facts’

This past week I’ve been enjoying a beautiful celebration of the Divine Mother in her many aspects at our local Haidakhandi Universal Ashram. It’s called Spring Navratri. The first three days are dedicated to mother Durga, the goddess of destruction andrestoration who clears away obstacles and obscurations. The second three days are for mother Lakshmi, the Continue Reading →

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