Category Archives: Cultural Transformation

Culture is something we take for granted…it’s the water we swim in…the paradigm of reality that we can hardly even see because it’s all we know. It’s what we’re born into…the reality that gets passed down from generation to generation. Normally, our survival and wellbeing would depend on following suit with the culture that we’re born into. But these are not normal times…we’ve been born into a culture that is curating its own destruction while it devastates every other culture, species and ecosystem on the planet…and we know we can’t just follow suit. Posts in this category will help us explore and understand our own culture and how we can transform it from the inside out.

Angelina’s Dramatic Procedure: an act of proactive prevention or misguided intervention?

Hollywood superstar, Angelina Jolie, recently went public with the news that she underwent a voluntary double mastectomy with the intention of preventing breast cancer. “My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each Continue Reading →

Give HEALTH for the Holidays

Every year the holidays come in a flurry busy-ness and leave behind a wake of clutter. It’s all too easy to get swept up in it. We spend these precious weeks of early winter scouring the catalogs and racing through the malls trying to find better and better presents to wrap up and give to Continue Reading →

Do not let us be seduced…

 This morning, as I settled in at my altar, this stanza jumped out at me from a prayer* I have hanging near by… “Do not let us be seduced by that Which would divert us from our true purpose, But illuminate the opportunities Of the present moment.”   In these words lies the source of Continue Reading →

Re-Parenting Ourselves…

During this time of global transition and societal transformation we’re having to do a lot of “re” work…relearning, redirecting…re-membering and re-collecting all the scattered pieces of our whole selves. And along the way most of us have to do some significant re-parenting, as well. Many of us emerged from childhood without the confidence, clarity and Continue Reading →

The World NEEDS your Gifts.

Do you ever worry about the state of the world? Ever wonder what’s going to happen to Her? What the future is going to be like? Do you ever worry about what you’re up to? If you’re doing enough? How you’re going to make a living and sustain yourself? Do you ever get down on Continue Reading →

The Revolution will not be Televised

…but it might be Youtubed and Facebooked. And it is happening now. We, the people, are waking up to a system that is absolutely unsustainable. And, as we do, we realize that no one “up above” is going to fix this for us. The larger systems of government, corporations and mass media rely too heavily Continue Reading →

The People are Rising!

Right along side the Occupy Wall Street movement there has been another movement of the people that has received even less media attention… …the Right to Know March: a Mobilization for GMO Labeling. GMO protesters will be marching from the United Nations building in NYC to the White House in DC from October 1 through Continue Reading →

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