Category Archives: Cultural Transformation

Culture is something we take for granted…it’s the water we swim in…the paradigm of reality that we can hardly even see because it’s all we know. It’s what we’re born into…the reality that gets passed down from generation to generation. Normally, our survival and wellbeing would depend on following suit with the culture that we’re born into. But these are not normal times…we’ve been born into a culture that is curating its own destruction while it devastates every other culture, species and ecosystem on the planet…and we know we can’t just follow suit. Posts in this category will help us explore and understand our own culture and how we can transform it from the inside out.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Let’s take a moment to think about the weapons of mass distraction that are plaguing our airwaves these days and the effect that they are having in our lives… The most important principle I teach in the Activate Your Personal Power program is that Power Follows Attention. This means that whatever you’re paying attention to has your Continue Reading →

Poem for Change

Right in the middle of the undoing and redoing of my personal/professional transformation, my sister, Cristina Cabeza-Kinney, hosted a radical, beautiful, deeply moving poetry event in synch and synergy with the many 100 Thousand Poets for Change events happening around the world. She asked me to share a poem…for change…for the now. I ventured out Continue Reading →

Confessions of a Holistic Entrepreneur Part 2: Freedom Time

I’ve never tolerated confinement very well…playing by someone else’s rules or being stuck in limiting situations has never worked out well for me. My wild spirit inevitably rebels and casts off the chains that have bound me. I’m here in this lifetime to transform. To get REAL. To grow and stretch and explore and discover Continue Reading →

Our Moment of Choice

We are coming of age…collectively…as a human family and as a planetary consciousness. We’re going through a MAJOR transformation…a growing up and a changing of form…not unlike the liquification of the caterpillar as it morphs into a butterfly or the emergence of adulthood through the chaos of the teen years. All life passes through these Continue Reading →

Tuning in to the Channel of the Earth

Clicking through the endless channels, scrolling down the newsfeed, checking our inboxes, voicemails and texts, surfing around in the vast worldwide web of human “knowledge”…we are looking… We’re looking for answers, for truth, for guidance, for connection, for inspiration…we’re looking for fulfillment.  We are looking in all the wrong places. Behind and beneath the cacophony Continue Reading →

Eating Wild

Each bite we take is a communication…a message from the source of our food…encoded and encrypted in a way only cells and spirit can understand…carrying stories of place and energy…and, ultimately, instructions for our growing bodies and souls. This is why food is so important to me. It’s not just taste and texture…or convenience and Continue Reading →

I Will Live Outside…again

“I will live outside again” …a promise I made to myself and posted on the wall by my desk 8 years ago while living in my parents’ basement as a single mother and going to school. Some people want to make a bunch of money, live in a fancy house, take vacations in “desired” locations Continue Reading →

What Happens in a Meadow at Dusk?

There are a few big, wild, real, living places left on this planet…a few places where the song of nature prevails and the din of industrial society is forgotten…a few places where the ancestral soul lives on in the movement of wild water and the dance of the insects on the breeze. Far from the Continue Reading →

Musings on the Kali Yuga

It’s the Kali Yuga…accept it and let it go. Here we are…born into these times and these bodies…these stories…given the skills and the strengths appropriate to our challenges in each moment, whether we believe it or not. The empire is declining…the walls are crumbling…Kali is sweeping through this world with her fierce compassion…leveling all that Continue Reading →

Vultures of Culture…yogamats and all

Warning: this post is a bit of a rant…I hate to be a hater but sometimes I just get riled up. And…no offense or judgment is intended against the individual participants and organizers of the festival in question…we are simply products of a truly messed up culture, doing our best in each moment. A great Continue Reading →