Category Archives: Relating with Others

Culture is, by nature, a collective thing. When we explore the roots of culture we see it all comes back to our interpersonal relationships…parenting, family, partnership, community, clan, tribe, society. And we realize that none of us will pass through this transformation alone. It is only in coming together and strengthening our relations with others that we can co-create a life-sustaining culture. In order to do this we’ll have to heal the wounds of separation, mistrust, trauma and loss that have become associated with relationships in this culture of fear and competition. Posts in this category will invite us to acknowledge and transform our relational wounds so we can become more loving and conscious parents, partners, loved ones, friends and community members.

Respecting Our Children

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor Beyond loving connection, my parenting and teaching style boils down to paying attention … Continue reading

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Partnering with Your Children – Part 2

This blog post is an excerpt from the forthcoming book “Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis: A Compassionate Guidebook for Parenting in Turbulent Times” by Jo delAmor As parents we are guides for our children in many ways. We’re here … Continue reading

Posted in Book Excerpts from Raising Children in the Midst of Global Crisis, Relating with Others, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Poem for Change

Right in the middle of the undoing and redoing of my personal/professional transformation, my sister, Cristina Cabeza-Kinney, hosted a radical, beautiful, deeply moving poetry event in synch and synergy with the many 100 Thousand Poets for Change events happening around … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Poetry and Art, Relating with Others, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized, Videos | Leave a comment

Vultures of Culture…yogamats and all

Warning: this post is a bit of a rant…I hate to be a hater but sometimes I just get riled up. And…no offense or judgment is intended against the individual participants and organizers of the festival in question…we are simply … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Relating with Others, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

The Inheritance of Love

Written on Father’s Day 2014 on the island my dad spent his summers as a kid. Dad…I’m here. Here on the island…sitting on the front porch of the old cottage in the sun and wind, listening to the planes fly … Continue reading

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Homeland Blues

The smell of salty air and the curve of the roads under thick green canopies of wet leaves feels deeply familiar to me…like family. Like the ones that held me when I was a baby. These trees, these beaches, these … Continue reading

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What’s it gonna take?

When the newsfeed and broadcasts get flooded with images and stories of violence, oppression, injustice and pollution…do you ever think to yourself… “What’s it gonna take?” What’s it gonna take for us to change our ways? To realize, once and … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Relating with Others, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized | Leave a comment


Arise…ing in a whole new way… pivotal moments opening doors of with greater capacities of wow and now…of hope and faith… of the YESness that feeds the starlight fire of sovereign beings intimately interwoven in the miraculous web of … Continue reading

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Give HEALTH for the Holidays

Every year the holidays come in a flurry busy-ness and leave behind a wake of clutter. It’s all too easy to get swept up in it. We spend these precious weeks of early winter scouring the catalogs and racing through … Continue reading

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Re-Parenting Ourselves…

During this time of global transition and societal transformation we’re having to do a lot of “re” work…relearning, redirecting…re-membering and re-collecting all the scattered pieces of our whole selves. And along the way most of us have to do some … Continue reading

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