Category Archives: Earth Honoring

We are children of the Earth. Each and everyone of us is born of her elements and sustained by her bounty. As we seek to transform our culture into one that can actually sustain life we must follow her lead. Learning directly from the Earth and honoring the exquisite balance of the web of life she supports are essential to our survival and our evolution. Posts in this category will guide us in reconnecting with the Earth through our daily practices and awareness. We’ll explore biomimicry, rewilding, food systems, energy sources, economic impact and environmental dangers in an effort to create a culture that can restore ecological sanity in our world.

Living into a New Story with Charles Eisenstein

When I saw the lineup of guest teachers for the Speak the Spark course I was immediately in. Ten of the most brilliant thinkers and radical, change-making storytellers of our times were scheduled to walk us through this journey of … Continue reading

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Dianic Creation Story

Let us begin at the beginning… Before the Speak the Spark course even really begun we received our first assignment. To find a creation story that spoke to our hearts and to share it with the group. Creation stories are … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Speak the Spark, Spiritual Connection, Studies, Videos | Leave a comment

Poem for Change

Right in the middle of the undoing and redoing of my personal/professional transformation, my sister, Cristina Cabeza-Kinney, hosted a radical, beautiful, deeply moving poetry event in synch and synergy with the many 100 Thousand Poets for Change events happening around … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Poetry and Art, Relating with Others, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized, Videos | Leave a comment

Tuning in to the Channel of the Earth

Clicking through the endless channels, scrolling down the newsfeed, checking our inboxes, voicemails and texts, surfing around in the vast worldwide web of human “knowledge”…we are looking… We’re looking for answers, for truth, for guidance, for connection, for inspiration…we’re looking … Continue reading

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Feral Gardening

My garden went feral…and it took me with it. Last year I planted what might have been a glorious garden, full of delicious potential. But then I wound up heading out on a road trip and being away for 6 … Continue reading

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Eating Wild

Each bite we take is a communication…a message from the source of our food…encoded and encrypted in a way only cells and spirit can understand…carrying stories of place and energy…and, ultimately, instructions for our growing bodies and souls. This is … Continue reading

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I Will Live Outside…again

“I will live outside again” …a promise I made to myself and posted on the wall by my desk 8 years ago while living in my parents’ basement as a single mother and going to school. Some people want to … Continue reading

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Fed by the Mountain…quite literally

As we started walking down the path into the wilderness, my man called me to attention by asking me to let him know when I saw something edible. I’d been walking along in my own little world with a vague … Continue reading

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Pressing on…

Sitting on a rock outcropping thousands of feet above our little town, my daughter asked me to pass the water. Relieved and grateful to have this windy respite from the mosquito swarms of the forest and a much needed break … Continue reading

Posted in Earth Honoring, Personal Transformation, Spiritual Connection, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

What Happens in a Meadow at Dusk?

There are a few big, wild, real, living places left on this planet…a few places where the song of nature prevails and the din of industrial society is forgotten…a few places where the ancestral soul lives on in the movement … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Transformation, Earth Honoring, Uncategorized | 3 Comments